Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Book of Better: Life with Diabetes Can't Be Perfect. Make It Better.

The Book of Better: Life with Diabetes Can't Be Perfect. Make It Better.I have diabetes. I’ve lived with it for years and years. I’ve done everything to learn as much as I can about it. I’ve made more idiot mistakesâ??accidentally and on purposeâ??with diabetes than you think would be safe. I’ve managed to stay very healthy. And by some standards, my life is pretty “normal.”

Throughout my extended career as a person with diabetes, the most important fact I have learned is that ANY BIT BETTER (â?¦3%...5%...28%...91%...) IS STILL BETTER. It might be the most important thing you can know about your diabetes. Maybe we can’t make it go away.

Maybe we can’t make it perfect. Maybe we’re still mad that we got stuck with it. But we absolutely CAN make it BETTER. It’s not always easy, but it’s not complicated either. Diabetes gets Better if you make it Better.

Price: $15.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

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